Musikerinnen sind im Popbusiness auch 2012 noch rar gesäht. Lakecia Benjamin will das ändern. Die Saxophonistin hat schon für Stevie Wonder, Alicia Keys, Macy Gray oder The Roots gespielt und arrangiert. Mit „Retox“ veröffentlicht sie am 12. Oktober ihr erstes Debütalbum. Im Interview mit Watte pusten sprach Lakecia Benjamin über die Aufnahmen zu ihrem Album, die weibliche Musik-Sicht und ihre Entscheidung, ein Solo-Album aufzunehmen.
Your first album is already released in the states and will be released in Europe in fall. How does it feel for you? Are you proud about it?
Lakecia Benjamin: It’s an exciting time for me. There was a lot of hard work and dedication put into creating my first album. I am extremely proud an honored to have worked and collaborated with all those amazing artists. And now I have something unchangeable to mark this time period in my life.
You have played and arranged for really popular artists. Was there a special moment when you thought about bringing your own talent to the frontline and recording your own music?
Lakecia Benjamin: Yes. While playing and learning from many different artists I slowly began to develop ideas about how I would like to „run a show“ . So I began writing my own compositions and lyrics. Choreographing dance steps making arrangements. Playing with others is really a good learning stage. It all came together from all the things I had learned watching other bandleaders.

How did the recording process look like? How long have you worked on the album?
Lakecia Benjamin: I started this album with a very clear vision of what I wanted it to sound like and the direction I wanted it to go. The hardest part for me was the logistics – organizing all the people and scheduling everyone. There are so many different players it was a challenge.
Your songs feature many different vocalists. Are vocals a main element for you as an instrumentalist?
Lakecia Benjamin: I honestly feel vocals are a main element of music. Just as instruments and horns are. I think you need all these things combined to make a complete work. Neither is more important then the other just different components.
There are only few female horn players. Is it harder to get jobs when you are a woman?
Lakecia Benjamin: I disagree with this statement. I don’t think there are few female horn players I think there are few advertised female horn players. i have played in several all female big bands and smaller groups there are plenty of women out there doing it and making a living off music. They just may not be as marketed as others. No matter what your background is marketing and publicity can be a tricky field.
You talk about female and male perspectives of music. What makes your music different from a male horn player?
Lakecia Benjamin: I think the difference in me as person is i don’t limit myself. I don’t consider myself just a horn player. I consider myself a artist, producer,composer bandleader and entertainer. So the difference in the way I write and perform is I have all of that in mind when i do anything.
When will you come to Europe and play some shows?
Lakecia Benjamin: I will be celebrating the release of the album in europe in oct. traveling throughout the territories.
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